Official website of
The Think-Tank of Nigerian Education and Development

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Basic Education Curriculum (BEC)
Tributes to Professor Ismail Junaidu (1953-2024)

Manual for the Assessment and Quality Assurance of Instructional and Learning Resources in Nigeria >>>>> Natiponal Language Policy (NLP) >>>>> Sociolinguistic Survey of Language Diversity and Use in Nigeria >>>>> Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) >>>>> NERDC Boss Prof. Ismail Junaidu, presented with Africa Unique Leader (Educational Adimistrator) Award by the Africa Review Brand on Tuesday March, 2020. >>>>> NERDC Boss Gets LAN's Highest Award December 3, 2019 >>>>> Download NERDC Strategic Workplan 2016 - 2019 >>>>> Download NERDC Activities, Accomplishments and Challenges 2015 - 2019 >>>>> Adoption Of Online Safety Courses Into Nigerian School Curriculum >>>>> Development Of Capital Market Studies Curriculum To Boost Investor Education. >>>>> Download Public Presentation of new History Curriculum and Teacher's Guide for Primary and Junior Secondary schools. >>>>>> Council conducts pilot study on 34 trade subjects. >>>>>

Book Development

We formulate and implement a national policy on book development ...

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Curriculum Development

We promote the development of curricula at all levels of the educational system ...

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Educational Research

We encourage and coordinate educational research programme carried out in Nigeria ...

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Language Development

We promote and develop Nigerian Language, advise and implement all policies relating to language ...

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Library & Informatics

We maintain research and development library to which new educational resources are deposited ...

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Special Programme

We maintain relationship with corresponding educational research and development centres in ...

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