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The Think-Tank of Nigerian Education and Development

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Library and Informatics Centre (LIC)

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Dr. Mandela Ayodele ASEBIOMO
Director Library and Informatics Centre




  • Establishment and maintainance of Research and Development Library to which new educational books and other related publications (learning and teaching resources) may be deposited;
  • Serve as a Centre for exchange of Information on books and all related issues;
  • Periodical compilation and publication of a list of completed research and development projects;

    These core functions has resulted in the Library and Informatics Centre being saddled with the following derivative functions:

    • Creating Learning Management System to assist online learning and
    • Develop Quality Tools to determine quality/category of instructional/learning resources in terms of gender, readability and adequacy, as well as
    • Build Personnel Capacity on the effective utilization of e-workstations, and
    • Promote dissemination of Councils e-Resources

Scope of Service and Achievements

  1. Publication of the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Abstract.
  2. ICT Capacity building for the Council's Personnel.
  3. Development of Library Management Information System
  4. Needs Assessment of Teacher Librarians in Primary and Junior Secondary schools.
  5. Publication of the Journal of Research in Educational Developments (JORED).
  6. Training of school librarians in modern library management skills.

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